Sunday, September 25, 2011

C4T #2

In this C4T I commented on the blog of Jenny Luca. Both posts were "School's Out Friday," a series of videos that Jenny posts for humor and follows with some encouraging comments. The first video was of a high school math teacher using popular rap music to help his students learn calculus concepts. I commented to Jenny thanking her for posting it as it helped me remember some principles myself. She also wrote about the work she had been doing so far in the semester with planning various school functions and activities. She commented back saying she was pleased that I took something from it and happy she had finished some of her planning objectives.

The Second Video was of a marriage proposal seemingly gone awry. In her comments she seemed to enjoy the proposal so I sent her a link to a video of another impressive proposal. She also wrote that it was the end of the term in Victoria where she teaches and that she was now on holiday break and looking forward to getting some rest and relaxation. She also admitted that she has been slacking on her blog posts lately, but plans on finishing some things she was working on over the time off and in the weeks soon to come.

1 comment:

  1. Proposals gone awry are oddly entertaining. I feel so guilty when I laugh at the pain of others! =)
